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As we hear our sacred story, we reflect on what it means for our lives as individuals and members of the community of Christ.  Here at St. John’s everyone is encouraged to grow in their faith through participation in worship, learning and service. Learning opportunities abound. 


We believe that "learning is experience, everything else is just information," to quote Albert Einstein. Knowing God loves us is not enough. We have to do something with that love and that is always to share it. The words we say in worship empower and inspire us to live out our faith in our daily lives. As we grow in faith we come to understand that there is no separation from our life and our faith.


People in the community know what St. John’s stands for. Our extravagant welcome is evident at our community events such as the Memorial Day Brat Fry. We reach out to others in the community joining in community fund raisers and partnering with the Merton Schools to provide volunteers, support and appreciation for all they do.


We write our sacred story as we reach out with love and compassion to share what we have been given by God’s abundance.  

Bible Study

Join us for weekly Bible study on Wednesday afternoon. We meet at 1 pm in the Pastor's office. We study scripture, read books, watch movies and work together to integrate our faith and our living. Everyone is welcome. 

Mission and Outreach

Mission Projects: We volunteer at the Sussex Food Pantry and Habitat for Humanity, support the Hope Center and Women’s Center of Waukesha as well as the Christmas Clearing Council of Waukesha County and Hebron House. We do acts of service both near and far. 

God has told you, human one,

what is good and
        what the Lord requires from you:
            to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.

As we hear our sacred story, we reflect on what it means for our lives as individuals and members of the community of Christ.  Here at St. John’s everyone is encouraged to grow in their faith through participation in worship, learning and service. Learning opportunities abound. 


We believe that "learning is experience, everything else is just information," to quote Albert Einstein. Knowing God loves us is not enough. We have to do something with that love and that is always to share it. The words we say in worship empower and inspire us to live out our faith in our daily lives. As we grow in faith we come to understand that there is no separation from our life and our faith.


People in the community know what St. John’s stands for. Our extravagant welcome is evident at our community events such as the Memorial Day Brat Fry. We reach out to others in the community joining in community fund raisers and partnering with the Merton Schools to provide volunteers, support and appreciation for all they do.


We write our sacred story as we reach out with love and compassion to share what we have been given by God’s abundance.  

Bible Study

Join us for weekly Bible study on Wednesday afternoon. We meet at 1 pm in the Pastor's office. We study scripture, read books, watch movies and work together to integrate our faith and our living. Everyone is welcome. 

Mission and Outreach

Mission Projects: We volunteer at the Sussex Food Pantry and Habitat for Humanity, support the Hope Center and Women’s Center of Waukesha as well as the Christmas Clearing Council of Waukesha County and Hebron House. We do acts of service both near and far. 

As we hear our sacred story, we reflect on what it means for our lives as individuals and members of the community of Christ.  Here at St. John’s everyone is encouraged to grow in their faith through participation in worship, learning and service. Learning opportunities abound. 


We believe that "learning is experience, everything else is just information," to quote Albert Einstein. Knowing God loves us is not enough. We have to do something with that love and that is always to share it. The words we say in worship empower and inspire us to live out our faith in our daily lives. As we grow in faith we come to understand that there is no separation from our life and our faith.


People in the community know what St. John’s stands for. Our extravagant welcome is evident at our community events such as the Memorial Day Brat Fry. We reach out to others in the community joining in community fund raisers and partnering with the Merton Schools to provide volunteers, support and appreciation for all they do.


We write our sacred story as we reach out with love and compassion to share what we have been given by God’s abundance.  

2016 funeral

2016 funeral

2 fingerpaint crosses

2 fingerpaint crosses





Distribution Solution full image

Distribution Solution full image

Brat Fry 2015 082

Brat Fry 2015 082

Sarah pie faced 280

Sarah pie faced 280

2014 christmas play a3

2014 christmas play a3

Advent Joy!

Advent Joy!

Joe to be confirmed

Joe to be confirmed

andrew at Christmas eve

andrew at Christmas eve

2016 christmas cast 2

2016 christmas cast 2

God is Love Tea

God is Love Tea

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