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How you can donate and help OUR Church

We are so thankful for  the wide variety of ways our congregation and friends support the ministry and mission of St. John' s. We appreciate regular giving and support but we also know that people are inspired to give at a variety of times and a variety of ways.


The financial support of St. John's allows us to engage in life changing ministry right here in Merton and beyond. We are blessed to have a facility that is welcoming, expansive, and accessible. It was thoughtfully designed to serve both the congregation and the community. It takes a lot to keep the lights on, the rooms warm or cool, the snow plowed and the grass mowed.. We also have a mortgage to pay which is truly an expression of this congregation’s faith and commitment to living out our sacred story right here in Merton. 


In everything we do, we remember that God is present in the world and we are blessed to be a blessing in God’s name to ourselves, to our neighbors, to our enemies and to all of creation. This is a big commitment but together we can grow in faith, share God’s hope and love through our words and actions, as well as offer our praise and worship to God, each and every day. 

ways you can donate:



​Hopefully in the near future you can join us Sunday Morning and place cash or a check donation in the offering plate.



Mail checks to:

St. John's UCC

P. O. Box 525

Merton, WI  53056-0525

Use your Venmo account to send donations to

St John's UCC--Merton WI

Through your will or bequest

As you consider the ways you can support the mission and minstry of St. John's don't forget to include us in your will. 

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